Development is Design and Design is Development

Ten UX Heuristics and The SaaS-Ment

The freedom to deliver your software passion project without revisiting completed work!

10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design

From Nielsen Norman Group, this simply a great list that was first created in 1994. If you are reviewing software for whether it meets the needs of users this is a great list to look at, and review.
10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design

The SaaS-Ment

Working with the above list, I struggled mightily with it being relevant for all aspects of delivering well loved software. I also wanted principles that were universal for the 3 Modalities of Software Interfaces.

These 9 principles are a starting point and a great list:

  1. Security over Slyness
  2. Scale over Shatter
  3. Support over Stumbling
  4. Standardization over Straying
  5. Sense over Summon
  6. Safety over Setback
  7. Stewardship over Suffering
  8. Status over Surmising
  9. Statistics & Study over Speculation